Created hypertxt.c 1994-07-10 Greek alphabet 2011-01-24 Cyrillic alphabet 2011-10-09 d (and D) write small(er) 2011-10-20 MIT-licence 2011-12-01 -F (readability) removed. 2011-12-01 Euro sign in table escaped characters 2011-12-01 Usage info rationalized. 2011-12-01 Added support for %J besides %D and %K; 2011-12-03 Checkquotes() added. 2011-12-03 ARG V added, changed V[ERBOSE] to I[NDEXLIST] 2011-12-12 Removed /,\ same as . 2011-12-13 / interpret first character. 2011-12-13 / as genuine include file. 2011-12-22 , as lettertype + push/pull stack. 2011-12-22 Writehtml() case 'e' changed,'j' added,'u' removed. 2011-12-26 Writehtml() case 'f', 'p', 's' removed. New 'h'. 2011-12-28 Introduced firstarg, secondarg with %B and %C 2012-01-01 Changed: ^ verbatim inclusion, @ idem with Format() 2012-01-01 BOOL noformat - controlled by single character "&". 2012-01-06 type="hidden" added. 2012-01-28 Some clarifications in Usage(). 2012-03-29 |t should not imply |e. Allow table-in-table. 2012-06-27 Added support for %I besides %D etc. 2012-06-28 Suppress spaces and CR for in hyperlink ('j'). 2012-08-09 Statement on W3C Validator added. 2012-08-09 HTMLFROM_PLAINTEXT: ignore lines commencing with #. 2012-10-18 Insertion of space before removed in Anchor(). 2012-11-04 In Format() "%" is left unchanged. 2012-11-21 Mangle / and \ in filenames (OS-dependent) 2013-01-11 Writehtml() case ']'
added. 2013-10-21 Support "j -" to open link in new tab. 2014-05-27 Argument "--help" now gives Usage(). 2014-06-24