USAGE: imagetransform [ ..] converts imagefiles depending on consecutive KeyValue-pairs. By default is full colour. Use "-" as or KEY "-exit" to suppress saving of imagefile. Step by step progress is written to stderr. USAGE: imagetransform - writes explanation of imagetransform to stdout. KEY VALUE DESCRIPTION -aux fill auxillary R-, G-, B- and Y-images. -AUX fill auxillary R-, G-, B- and Y-images, resize auxillary images to size of bitmaps. -Add aux sum of bitmaps and auxillary images. -And aux bitwise AND of bitmaps and auxillary images. -Or- aux bitwise OR of bitmaps and auxillary images. -Blt black if luminance less than . -Ceq white if equal to , otherwise black. -Cgt white if greater than , otherwise black. -Cge white if greater or equal to , otherwise black. -Cge white if greater or equal to , otherwise black. otherwise black. -Cgs[td] white if g.e. Avg+*Std, otherwise black. -Clt white if less than , otherwise black. -Cle white if less or equal to , otherwise black. -Cls[td] white if l.e. Avg-*Std, otherwise black. -Cne white if not equal to , otherwise black. -blu[r] simple blur filter. -blm[apped] simple blur restricted by auxillary images; componentwise mix of original and smooth image. -can[ny] [//] edge detection. Default: 300.0/900.0 -cnt // count pixels with this colour and pixels with (R,G,B) all above or below (,,). make all [un]equal pixels white [black]. -con[tours] [/] draw brightness contours in 11 colours. Default: 1.0/0. contourcolour[ 0]=( 0, 0, 0) Y= 0.000 contourcolour[ 1]=( 0, 0,232) Y= 0.100 contourcolour[ 2]=(125, 0,124) Y= 0.201 contourcolour[ 3]=(255, 0, 0) Y= 0.300 contourcolour[ 4]=(249, 0,249) Y= 0.400 contourcolour[ 5]=(127,128,127) Y= 0.500 contourcolour[ 6]=( 6,255, 6) Y= 0.600 contourcolour[ 7]=( 0,255,255) Y= 0.700 contourcolour[ 8]=(255,169,255) Y= 0.801 contourcolour[ 9]=(255,255, 23) Y= 0.900 contourcolour[10]=(255,255,255) Y= 1.000 -CON[TOURS] [/[//]] draw brightness contours with luma info, white(black) in image becomes coloured pixel with luma (). Red-, magenta-, green-, cyan- and yellow-ish colours are used. Default: 1.0/0/216.0/108.0. -8bi[t] Y make with 1 bitplane from Y-bitmap. -8bi[t] R[GB] make with 1 bitplane from RGB-bitmaps. -cop[y] / copy 0 or bitmap to R,G,B,Y-bitmaps or all other bitmaps. -dif[f] absolute AbsDiff of bitmaps and auxillary images. -+- fill auxillary R-, G-, B- and Y-images, resize and calculate bitmaps. 127+sgn(-)*sqrt(64*abs(-)). -+-L[inear] fill auxillary R-, G-, B- and Y-images, resize and calculate bitmaps. 127+sgn(-)*ceil(0.5*abs(-)). -dil[ate] dilate image. -equ[alize] histogram histogram equalization. -ero[de] erode image. -ff4 ////[//] colour floodfill fixed range connectivity 4. -ff8 ////[//] colour floodfill fixed range connectivity 8. -fl4 ////[//] colour floodfill floating range connectivity 4. -fl8 ////[//] colour floodfill floating range connectivity 8. -FF4 ////[//] channelwise floodfill fixed range connectivity 4. -FF8 ////[//] channelwise floodfill fixed range connectivity 8. -FL4 ////[//] channelwise floodfill floating range connectivity 4. -FL8 ////[//] channelwise floodfill floating range connectivity 8. -exi[t] dontsave do not write . -fac[tor] multiply pixelvalues in bitmaps clipping. -get aux copy auxillary images to bitmaps. -har[ris] /[/] corner detection. -hei[ght] [-] scaling to height=[ and flipping]. -int[erpolation] used for scaling. -Kg0 0x00 (black) if chromacity gt . -Kg1 0xff (white) if chromacity gt . -Kl0 0x00 (black) if chromacity lt . -Kl1 0xff (white) if chromacity lt . -lap[lace] Laplace transform (d²/dx²+d²/dy²). -mas[k] //= copy auxillary images to bitmaps with a mask defined by pixels (,,) in . -min[imum] value minimum of bitmaps and auxillary images. -mon[ochrome] g[rey] convert RGB to grey (both Y-map and RGB). -mon[ochrome] // convert grey Y-map to RGB-maps. -not invert invert R,G,B and Y-bitmap. -dif[f] absolute AbsDiff of bitmaps and auxillary images. -Nrm[alize] /////// normalize image. -Nrm[alize] / normalize image. -off[set] add to pixelvalues in bitmaps clipping. -rms write mean and rms of components of * subpictures to stdout. Set the subpictures to their mean colour. -sca[le] [-] arbitrary scaling[ and flipping]. -sca[le] [-]/[-] anamorph scaling[ and flipping]. -set aux copy bitmaps to auxillary images. -sho[w] destination show resulting image and wait for key-press. -smo[oth] Gaussian filter. -smm[apped] Gaussian filter restricted by auxillary images; componentwise mix of original and smooth image. -sol[arize] <[R]step>[///] coarser LUT with fractional steps. -sta[tist] write mean,std,low,hi to . -sta[tist] - write mean,std,low,hi to stdout. -str[etch] / increase contrast, ... level on scale 0.00=minimum, 1.00=maximum to 0...255 . -st0 / increase contrast, ... level on scale 0.00=0, 1.00=maximum to 0...255 . -st1 / increase contrast, ... level on scale 0.00=minimum, 1.00=255 to 0...255 . -st2 / change contrast, ... level to 0...255 . -swa[p] aux swap bitmaps and auxillary images. -til[e] / fill auxillary images, resized to bitmap, with tiles of original auxillary images. -Tgg / luma GE , chroma GE . defined by min/max RGB. The resulting Y-bitmap is copied to R- ,G- and B-bitmaps. -Tgl / idem GE, LE. -Tlg / idem LE, GE. -Tll / idem LE, LE. -Tg- luma GE . -Tl- luma LE . -T-g chroma GE . -T-l chroma LE . -Wgt white if luminance greater than . -wei[ghted] // compute *bitmap+*auxillary+. -wid[th] [-] scaling to width=[ and flipping]. -wxh [-]/[-] anamorph scaling[ and flipping]. -wxh scale width and height with . INTERPOLATION: a[rea] CV_INTER_AREA - resampling using pixel area relation. c[ubic] CV_INTER_CUBIC - bicubic interpolation. l[inear] CV_INTER_LINEAR - bilinear interpolation. n[earn] CV_INTER_NN - nearest-neighbor interpolation. APERTURE: Allowed values are 1, 3, 5 and 7. Prefered value is 3. CHROMACITY: chroma=sqrt(u*u+v*v)/256.84209600; u=0.49(b-y); v=0.88(r-y); y=0.30r+-0.59g+0.11b. Range: in 0.0 .. 1.0 SEE ALSO: USING: OpenCV version 1.1.0 (1.1.0) SEE ALSO: image2image. Copyright (C) 2011 by Harm J. Schoonhoven Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.