USAGE: showwav [ ..] shows the contents of as a graph. Sliders are created to show part of the data and select a fragment. can be a mono or stereo WAV-file with a "fmt "-chunk or a text file with floating point numbers of which empty lines and lines commencing with "#" are ignored. USAGE: showwav - write list of used colours to stdout. KEY VALUE DESCRIPTION AND DEFAULTS -a[djust] d[ual] copy left channel to right channel. -a[djust] D[UAL] copy right channel to left channel. -a[djust] f[it] subtract (min+max)/2 from samples. -a[djust] l[eft] ignore right channel. -a[djust] o[ffset] subtract average value from samples. -a[djust] p[eriods] show distance (in samples) between minima in right channel. Left channel is overwritten. -a[djust] r[ight] ignore left channel. -a[djust] s[ubtract] subtract right channel from left channel. -a[djust] multiply samples by . More than one adjustment may be used. -d[elay] Default: 40 mS. -e[xtra] / selected at clipping. Default: -0.400/5.000 S. -f[ixed] change length of selected samples to , on writing, compress or stretch by interpolation. -F[ont] //// Default: 0.50/0.50/1.0/10/5 -m[ulti] maximum number of samples shown per x-value. -p[ulse] / Default: 200/0.50 -r[ms] [//] for clipping & spike detection. Default: 44/499.0/6.00 -s[elect] /% % of nsamples. Default: 0.0/0.0 -s[elect] % % of nsamples. =100%. -s[elect] / samples. Default: =-. -S[trech] change length of selected samples by , on writing, compress or stretch by interpolation. -T[rack] / trackbars. Default: 800/30 -w[xh] / imageheight=, except for stereo. Default: 1000/125 -w[xh] 0[/0] read only. -w[xh] -1 read only, list spikes. PROTOCOL: Press q to terminate. Press Q write list of RMS values per to stdout and terminate. Press P write list of distances between pulses to stdout and terminate. Press x set sliders to show selected fragment. Press r to reset sliders to show all data. Press I to enter filename and save image. Press L write all (!!) selected samples to stdout. Press R to enter filename and save selected RAW audio-file. Press F to enter filename and save selected WAV-file. Press ! save selected WAV-file as !! Press T to enter filename and save selected data as text. To change Select: \,],[,',;, :,",{,},| by -60S,-10S,-1S,-0.1S,-0.01S, +0.01S,+0.1S,+1S,+10S,+60S; or -100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10, +10,+100,+1000,+10000,+100000 data-samples. Press s,S to decrease,increase Select by one sample. To change Width: 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,0 by -60S,-10S,-1S,-0.1S,-0.01S, +0.01S,+0.1S,+1S,+10S,+60S; or -100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10, +10,+100,+1000,+10000,+100000 data-samples. Press w,W to decrease,increase Width by one sample. Press +,-,= to increase,decrease reset amplitude-multiplier. Press >,< to increase,decrease right amplitude-multiplier. Press Y,y to increase,decrease samplepoints per x-value. Press f filled, show lines rather than dots. Press m mark timeline (change distance). Press M no timeline. Press v vertical timeline on/off. Press ? to write this help info stderr. Press SPACE show bins of selected fragment / waveform (audio only). Press ~ remove all spikes (destructive action). Press ^ show spikes only (destructive action). Press c set selection to clip silent head and tail. Press $ same as "~c!q". USING: OpenCV version 1.1.0 (1.1.0) VERSION: Jun 24 2014 Copyright (C) 2014 by Harm J. Schoonhoven Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.