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Pronounciation / Uitspraak

Language versions

There is currently only a version of this webpage with English text. However textual examples are provided in Dutch and English.

Harm J. Schoonhoven

I know that the pronounciation of the name of this website is a problem for German and English speakers. (During WOII the pronounciation of Scheveningen was used to identify German spies.) So here is the sound file .


I relish an old sound file where Linus Torvalds speaks about Linux.


Correct pronounciation of Japanese words is not easy (let alone chosing among the at least four intranslatable degrees of politeness). But we can make an attempt. Look at the following text copied from the multilingual manual of a Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 lens.
The KATAKANA characters translate as
ma     u     n     to     ni ko n "F" ma u n to
The corresponding English text is Mount: Nikon bayonet mount . This is also known as F-mount.
The i of "ni-ko-n" a short i like in Dutch "niks" and English "nipple". Not a long i or ij like in Dutch "niets" or "nijd" or English "niece" or "night".
In katakana lengthening of the vowel is indicated by addition of a dash-like symbol.
Changing "ri" pronounce_files/ri.jpg to "rii" pronounce_files/rii.jpg for instance.


There are two pronounciations of the word router (the ICT type).
• The American (U.S.) English pronounciation with ou pronounced as in English "outer" or Dutch "kabouter".
• The British English pronounciation with ou pronounced as in English "rook" or Dutch "roet".


Many years ago I was present at demonstration of an - at the time - advanced storage system by Toshiba. As the presentation was given by English speaking Japanese gentlemen, I noticed that they stressed the second syllable of Toshiba, not the first.
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